I remember my Dad who just passed away last December. I recall of the service he did for others. He was close to the village's security guards in particular. He loved serving in the Security committee. Even if we transferred to another village, he still ended up serving in Security. He would have a communication radio with him in the room, always monitoring the village's safety through the guards. He had coffee with the guards and talked about day to day happenings. He had time to listen, even the smallest of incidents. He was always ready to serve, even if it meant endangering himself as long as the village was safe, as long as we were safe. Even with this particular aspect of Dad's life, I believe he had lived a full life, serving the Lord through others.
Everyday is a gift. We all have 24 hours to spend, and what happens in the minutes of these hours is our offering to God. Each day comes with a challenge. How can I serve others, so God may be glorified? "As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10"

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