There is a different kind of feeling when you are home. A feeling of unexplained restfulness as if there was something unloaded off your shoulders. Today, when I got off the plane and stepped on the land of my birth, I felt this kind of restfulness. Being here in Cebu, i feel my body recharged and my spirit renewed.
St. Augustine of Hippo said in his prayers, "My heart is restless until it rests in You." Being with God is being in our true home. Only in God can we truly be comforted, healed, and renewed. In our time of prayer, there is also this unexplained restfulness. The feeling as if our whole body is being drained of its worries that stress us. Specially when we are before the Blessed Sacrament, there is a soothing presence that heals. May we always be with God, may be truly home.
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