Recently, I have been hearing many of my friends and relatives getting illnesses. I get much emails and texts of prayer requests for the sick. In December 2009, my Dad passed away because of cancer, and just now I saw on facebook that one of my uncles have cancer as well. Many of our couple coordinators in the KFC ministry are also going through physical sicknesses.

During last Saturday's concert with 29AD, more than half the crowd approached front of stage when Tito Bob Serrano said, "Anyone who is in need of healing, come to the front." God's grace poured out as the song 'By His Wounds' was sang. The song's powerful line is "By His wounds we are healed, despised rejected for our sins. He made us whole, by His wounds we are healed." I saw how God's people was moved by the Spirit, healing them emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
One of the worship leaders, Charlie, reflected on Matthew 9:21. It's the story of the hemorrhaging woman who has suffered for 12 years and got healed by Jesus. "She said to herself, If I only touch His cloak, I will be healed." This is the faith that we need. Faith that we will be healed in His time, with His will. Faith with a desperate need for the Lord.
Lord, may You heal us and the people who need it the most. Nothing is impossible with you, even the dead rise when you command. We surrender our doubts, fears, and sinfulness. Take control and let Your Spirit lead us to your healing presence.
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