We need to develop an 'everybody wins' approach in our dealings with people. Yesterday, I heard of one CEO explaining how his customers benefit in the business, how he is helping street kids to go to school, as well as explaining how his company earns profit. After explaining all these, the crowd applauded, more convinced that what they are into isn't just a 'money game.' No wonder this man was so passionate about his product. He knows that everybody wins.
'Everybody wins' is not about pleasing people. It's about helping them. Some might not be happy with certain decisions, but if you're greatest intent is to help them and guide them to the Lord, you want them to win. It is also about sacrificing a part of ourselves, so others may gain.
In a society where 70% are poor, definitely not everybody is a winner. We need an equitable distribution of wealth. Everyone should have what they need. In acts 2:45 "Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need." What does the poor need? Shelter, clothing, health care, basic food nutrition, education, livelihood, and most of all, faith, hope, and our love. A simple vision for our society can be, 'everybody wins.'
Christ wants everybody to win. He has won over sin by His death on the cross. We are winners in Him. But if we start to act like losers by going back to our 'favorite' sins, we forfeit the victory He has for us. "But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 15:57"

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