John 14:12
"I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father."
The Lord entrusted to us the great work of spreading the Gospel of salvation. He showed us the way, and even affirmed us that we will be able to do greater works through the power of the Holy Spirit. What a gift He has given us! The gift of trust. He trusts that we will continue what He started. He trusts that we will call on His power to be able to do His will. He trusts us fully.
I believe this is the challenge we face everyday. How much do we trust our family, our members, our co-workers, and our leaders? Without trust, the work cannot grow. Sometimes it is hard for us to let go, because we want things to be perfect but to the greater expense of losing someone's confidence in themselves. Our creativity and leadership can be unlocked by the trust someone gives to us.
Let us approach someone today, and let them feel how much we trust in them.
Lord, thank you for trusting us and sending your Spirit to help us. Help us to trust others as you have trusted us. Amen.

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