Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Unlimited Refills

My friend and I went for coffee and was pleasantly surprised that the coffee was affordable, of good quality, and best of all...unlimited refills! Restaurants who offer 'Rice all you can' or 'Eat all you kanin' never fail to attract the hungry man.

In life, where do we get unlimited refills? Last sunday was Pentecost sunday. We remember how the Holy Spirit filled the hearts of Jesus' disciples and were empowered to boldy spread the Good News of Salvation throughout the world. "And they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim (Acts 2:4)." Since then, the Lord sent the Helper, the Advocate, the third person in the Blessed Trinity so we can get 'unlimited refills of the Power of God.' Everytime we come before Him in prayer, we acknowledge our weaknesses and our sinfulness that cause the 'power leaks.' We implore upon the Spirit to refill us so we can continue to do His mission.

May we continue to avail of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, given to us for free, with unlimited refills.


penman@originalgospel.org said...

Pentecost is rich in meaning. It represents the gift of God's Holy Spirit and the starting of the New Testament Church. But as explained in the article, The Secret Meaning of Pentecost, it represents much more. It helps us understand why God allows suffering and why He is not trying to save the world now, who the first fruits are, who are the "second fruits", the main harvest, and much more.

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